In today's world, where the popularity of limited sneaker collections is constantly growing and the price tags of all models are continuously increasing, it is becoming more and more common to come across replicas. For many sneakerheads, it is very difficult to recognize the difference between original and fake shoes, as counterfeiters improve their manufacturing techniques. Unfortunately, buying replicas can lead not only to a feeling of disappointment but also to lower quality shoes that wear out more quickly. Customers can ultimately spend more money on a lower quality product.

One of the models that is often copied is adidas Handball Spezial – an iconic silhouette that has gained popularity not only among sneaker fans but also among athletes and streetwear enthusiasts. Limited editions, such as the collaboration with Sporty & Rich, are among the sought-after collector's items. These versions are a common target for counterfeiters.

In this article, we will look at the key differences between the original shoes adidas Handball Spezial – Sporty & Rich Brown and their replicas. We will focus on the details that will help you safely identify fake shoes and avoid unpleasant surprises.

It is important to mention that a sneaker without tied laces is original, while a sneaker with tied laces is a replica.

1. Shoe label

We will start with the inner label. Here we can notice many differences. Style and font size, QR code size, and different information. We can notice the trademark logo at adidas on the replica, without it being in a circle ®




2. Sneaker materials

Here, the colorway of the sneaker matters, but generally, the materials are cheaper and coarser. Suede does not leave marks after being driven over.

The spezial label (here Sporty & Rich) is closer to the first of the three white stripes on the replica (top sneaker). There should be a smaller gap here.


3. Shoe sneakers

On the heel, we can notice a poorly placed logo, an incorrect shape of the upper part of the heel, and excess material around the stitching. The big difference is also in the material; the original is beautifully soft and pleasant to the touch, while the replica is coarser and of lower quality.

Left sneaker replica, right original


4. Sole

Here we won't find many differences, the pattern of the sole changes according to the size. However, the logo and especially the trademark brand ® is much more prominent and easier to read.

Left sneaker original, right replica


5. Tip

The tip of the handball spezial is narrow and low, while the replicas have a tip that is more robust and wider.

Left sneaker original, right replica


Adidas Handball Spezial replicas can be recognized by several key details: differences in the label, lower quality materials, and poor logo placement. In replicas, the logo is closer to the white stripes, the tip is wider and more robust, and the trademark ® is either displayed incorrectly on the sole or is missing. Original models feature precise details, high-quality materials, and well-centered logos.